Phase 2

Cover Letter

Some of the most meaningful insights I’ve gained through this phase is trying to look at a piece of work from many different angles. It’s important to understand the audience that you are appealing to when you write but it is equally important to know this while reading too. You could receive the message if the piece in an entirely different way you can see their writing too. I’ve also been able to pick apart what the author is arguing in argumentative pieces. For example in “The Truth is Paywalled ” I agree that paywalls hurt people who can’t afford them and leave them more likely to find misinformation. At the same time I realized that they are also used to pay the people who produce these stories and to make sure the truth is safe in one place. The name of the peace I based my argument on was called “Gun Control, Explained” by Dakota Santiago for the New York Times. The main arguments I agreed to and found interesting was that it was hard to push for further legislation with gun control because of republicans disagreements. I also found it interesting how when a mass shooting occurred and restrictions on guns were made, it stopped being such a common occurrence. I tried to base my argument around total deaths and how it has become a leading cause of death within children. The purpose of this article was to inform readers on the measures the U.S was taking to fight tragedies caused by firearms. It also highlighted the opposing side and why they argue what they argue. It fought back by providing some statistics and imposing questions that test a human’s morality. This was trying to appeal to the readers emotions in a way and also used logos for the hard facts. This assignment has helped me become a better researcher in Order to further prove my argumentative points. In my assignment I “Located research sources” and went through some databases like F.B.I statistics to find certain numbers that make my points stand out.I tailored my rhetorical choices to my reader because I used logos and provided facts on both sides of the argument. I also used pathos by involving children and also proving how this affects them. Even though it did go against my point I put it there to then go against it and explain how they might see something and try to turn it around. For instance I cited the second amendment in both of my writings but I then showed times where there were exceptions made to this. It provides the reader with logos something they can’t really fight back against and forces them to open their eyes to the facts I’m providing.


Opinion Piece

Gun control is a controversial issue that has been debated upon for many years. Some think that it shouldn’t be touched while others will advocate for it to be stricter and more to be done. Although there are many arguments against more gun control, events like mass shootings have been high in the U.S so it is worth talking about. The leading cause of death within children is guns and there were overall close to 40000 deaths in the US by guns just last year. Stricter gun regulations are necessary to reduce gun violence and the arguments against it simply aren’t strong enough to combat the amount of deaths. The main counterargument against more gun control is that this will infringe upon the peoples second amendment rights. Even though this is true to some degree it doesn’t take into account this isn’t an absolute right and there have been limitations made for many instances. If someone was convicted of certain crimes they are prohibited from owning guns, and there are restrictions on the sale of firearms to a person with a history of mental illness. This highlights how safety was prioritized regardless of the amendment and this issue should be looked at in the same light. By implementing measures such as more extensive background checks and strict sales of certain weapons, we could see a significant decrease in the amount of lives lost every year. Another argument that can be misleading is that criminals will just find another way to get guns and the statistics don’t really change. This ignores the fact that many gun-related deaths are caused by individuals who are legally allowed to own firearms. Having strict gun laws won’t get in the way of people who were already fit to be equipped with such a dangerous weapon. We have the highest gun ownership and gun-related deaths compared to many different countries and this problem shouldn’t be treated lightly. Incidents such as the Sandy Hook shooting and the Las Vegas shooting capturing the nation’s attention. We can’t give little kids guns but these things still happen because they are in the homes of others who might not be suited to have one in the first place. While it is true that mass shootings are a complex problem that cannot be solved solely by gun control measures alone, it is also true that the availability of these weapons plays a bigger role in these incidents. Better more strict regulations and background checks would make it so it is possible to prevent some of these deaths and injuries from occurring. It will be impossible to reach 0 deaths but lowering it by any amount is never wrong. Gun control is a complex issue that requires careful consideration and discussion. People can have valid arguments on both sides of the debate, but the need for effective gun control measures has become more pressing than ever. Every step is an important step towards creating a safer and more secure society for all Americans.

Opinion Piece (Second Genre)

Innocent blood spills, child taken by a found weapon. 

Guns in the wrong hands wreak havoc, pain, destruction and maim. 

Weak gun control plagues society, no proper role. 

Recipe for disaster, gun lobbyists fail to acknowledge dangers shared. 

Schools and streets become battlegrounds, fear resounds.

Death is a trigger pull away, families mourn loved ones.

Politicians offer thoughts and prayers, but their response is shallow and unsound.

We need safety that is truly profound.

The second amendment is often cited, But our safety cannot be divided. 

We need regulations to keep us all safe, So we can enjoy our lives without constant fright. 

The right to bear arms must be balanced with responsibility,

 A world where we can live lighter, 

To protect innocent lives and prevent senseless brutality. 

Let’s work towards a future that shines brighter,